Thursday, August 27, 2009

Uppgift Två

My names Jessica Shepherd, I'm 18 years old and I'm currently a Bachelor of Communications student at Griffith University. At the moment I'm hoping to do television journalism once I graduate but as I only started my degree this semester, I have a looong way to go. I'm only taking three classes (New and Politics, Intro to Public Relations and New Communications and Technologies) as a way to ease my self back into education after half a year of working at a jewellers in the city.

Now here's some disjointed tid-bits about me-
I'm aesthetically driven. I feel I must purchase new clothes every weekend, I'm terrible at dressing casual and always look really boring at Uni. I buy so many magazines that my news agency has developed a rewards system for me. I love pretty girls and well dressed boys. I often contemplate going brunette but stepping to the dark side daunts me. I danced seriously for 14 years, quit, but still go to class on the odd occasion. I eat strange food and drink peppermint tea. I extinguish the rubbish bin fires in the city because I think it’s stupid when they call the fire brigade, just to hose down some trash; little old men applaud me for it. I’d someday like to have an accent that no one knows because it’s a mishmash of a gazillion different languages. I’m thinking a little English, a little Swedish, a little Swahili.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jess it's Tu from our PR class hahaha. finally gotten around to looking you up on blogspot.
